There are various types of forest firefighting equipment, the average weight of the equipment is about 10KG, and the firefighters need to progress on rough roads.
At the same time, the exoskeleton's excellent man-machine coordination ability ensures that it can still move freely in the complex terrain of the forest.

When carrying out forest fire control and disposal, firefighters often need to work in uncertain scenes, such as the spread of fire can not reverse rescue, because of the unique terrain without perspective, local perception is difficult to grasp and so on.

Rescue work in the forest may face the impact of adverse factors such as high mountains and dangerous roads, bad weather, and the need to carry fire fighting equipment, which may lead to the firefighters' body is difficult to adapt, and it is easy to be attacked by the harsh external environment.

When firefighters carry out rescue tasks, if the situation is urgent and the countermeasures are not appropriate, they may face great work risks and life safety protection problems, which is also one of the difficulties faced by a forest firefighter.

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