Talent recruitment

Talent recruitment

Shepeng Technology is committed to becoming a highland for the gathering of outstanding talents in the industry.

The introduction of talent channels combining school recruitment and social recruitment should be carried out, the training system should be improved, and the mechanism of staff promotion and talent incentive should be established.

Employment concept
Because of you, we from "famous" to "leading" has become very close

Adhere to the "people-oriented", provide lifelong leading salary system and sound welfare security, set up a variety of employee funds, establish a whole-career employee care system, and strive to create a "trust, respect, fair" talent growth environment.

Employee welfare

The company has offices or industrial parks in the capital cities of all provinces in the country, and star-rated self-service meals in the industrial parks. Parents have a physical examination once a year, and individuals have a physical examination twice a year. The industrial park has gyms, swimming pools, kindergartens, cinemas, quarterly bonuses, paid annual leave, travel subsidies, high-temperature subsidies, option incentives, quarterly performance awards and annual performance awards.

Cultural Events & Environment
Employee activity
Good atmosphere
Come across
A different self
Open office area

Work communication zero distance, stimulate work passion, expect your imagination rich

  • Reading rest area
  • Business meeting room
  • First industry gym
Recruitment position
We welcome every person with lofty ideals to become a member of Shipeng Technology, looking forward to your resume
Social recruitment
Social recruitment
Campus recruitment
Campus recruitment
Regional manager
Bachelor degree or above
Subordinate Department
Educational Requirement
Bachelor degree or above
Work Place
Northeast region, North China region, Central China region, East China region, Northwest region, Southwest region
WEB external backend intern
Research and Development Department (R&D)
Undergraduate course
Subordinate Department
Research and Development Department (R&D)
Educational Requirement
Undergraduate course
Work Place
Huangpu District, Guangzhou
Job Description:
1. Interested in full-stack development and experienced in completing the front and back end projects independently
2, the framework is used, the backend is developed with GO GIN, and the front-end is developed with React
3. Understand the current system functions, check BUG spots, and put forward suggestions for functional improvement
4. Learn knowledge related to the Internet of Things and have an understanding of the development of the Internet of Things system

5, self-drive, independent growth

Job requirements: Undergraduate and above students in school (junior and above is preferred), WEB major is preferred
Salary: Internship subsidy, 4000 yuan/month, monthly salary, monthly settlement. All meals and accommodation included. Students with outstanding performance can be preferentially admitted;
Work place: The first Industrial Park of Shiyuan Shares (No. 192 Kezhu Road, Science City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou);
Duration of internship: 6 months, at least 3-4 days a week, flexible working hours.
Pre-sales technical support intern
Marketing DIVISION
Undergraduate course
Subordinate Department
Marketing DIVISION
Educational Requirement
Undergraduate course
Work Place
Huangpu District, Guangzhou
Responsibility description
1. Industry competition analysis: Study the competitive situation of the exoskeleton industry and make competitor analysis reports.
2, product introduction: in-depth understanding of exoskeleton products, prepare product introduction materials.
3. Data output: Organize and maintain product database, and provide timely and accurate product data support.
4, solution production: Participate in the development of exoskeleton solutions, demonstration and testing.

5. Other support work: participated in team meetings, followed up industry trends, and put forward improvement suggestions.

Job requirements: Undergraduate and above students in school (junior year and above is preferred), have pre-sales internship, engineering background is preferred;

Salary: Internship subsidy, 4000 yuan/month, monthly salary, monthly settlement. All meals and accommodation included. Students with outstanding performance can be preferentially admitted;

Duration of internship: 6 months, at least 3-4 days a week, flexible working hours.

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