The wandering earth "shines into" the Canton Fair, and the major media reveal the secrets for you

Media report

The wandering earth "shines into" the Canton Fair, and the major media reveal the secrets for you


Foreword: All businessmen get together, the road ahead can be seen. From April 15 to May 5, the 133rd China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) was held in Guangzhou. This year's Canton Fair fully resumed the offline exhibition, the exhibition area and the number of exhibitors reached a record high, attracting hundreds of thousands of buyers from more than 220 countries and regions. During the exhibition, there is a company booth specializing in the research and development of exoskeleton robots, which is particularly eye-catching, domestic and foreign merchants have stopped to watch and exchange, and many merchants personally wear to experience this black technology that has appeared in the wandering earth. Such a high density of people has also attracted the attention of major mainstream media, and they have field interviews to experience the truth. Let's take you into the unique perspective of professional media and feel the charm of exoskeletons.

01 China Central Television

Let's watch CCTV's little sister experience the charm of our exoskeleton firsthand on the live broadcast!


02 CCVTE-13
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The 133rd Canton Fair "China intelligent Manufacturing" attracted foreign investors


03 Guangdong Radio and Television Station

In the new Industrial automation and intelligent Manufacturing area of this year's Canton Fair, a buyer who operates a mine in Africa is interested in trying on an exoskeleton product, a smart device that can help reduce the load by 30% to 70%.


04 Southern Finance

[21 Finance] Focus on the Canton Fair | Reporter experience: Exoskeleton wearable device exhibitors said that the harvest exceeded expectations

Reporter Wang Peiran:

Now you see that I have an exoskeleton on my body, and the weight that I have in this basket, you can guess how heavy it is. A total weight of 65 kilograms has been reached, but with the help of the exoskeleton, I can maintain my current state very easily, and at the same time, I can free my hands. For friends who usually lift some heavy objects, this thing can be very helpful to us.


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Overseas buyers are excited about "China's wisdom"

In the new exhibition area of industrial automation and intelligent Manufacturing, a buyer who runs a mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo tries on an exoskeleton, a smart device that can help reduce the load by 30 to 70 percent.

Seeing that overseas buyers have shown a strong intention to cooperate, as the exhibitors who participated in the Canton Fair for the first time, the current number of visitors has greatly exceeded expectations.


Next, Shipeng Technology will continue to innovate, develop new technologies, uphold the existing craftsman spirit, and continue to explore new ways to "empower" human beings!

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